Work Placement - Week 8: When it all starts to come together...with an Engine Lift!
Today I had the opportunity to be apart of something a bit different to my artwork. I was asked by the Quality & Safety Manager to film an ‘Engine Lift’ which was taking place that day.
The part you’re seeing on the warehouse floor is a thrust reverser (which is an engine component of the Fokker F100). The thrust reverser had a repaint and is now ready to be moved to a different area. The forklift has been fitted with a lifting jib on the tynes. The horizontal beam you see across the top has been specially designed to lift the thrust reverser.
The technicians are preparing to lift this component so it can be moved away from the work stand into a freight box. It will be stored temporarily over near the racks on the far wall, before being sent back to the client.
Speaking of engine components, I had another crack at those jet engines in the afternoon.
I think I finally have nailed them in terms of proportion and dimension! Woohoo!!!
BEFORE: Each barrels on each side of the wing just weren't sitting right.
AFTER: After some tweaking with pastel pencils and the right shade of grey with a pastel stick, I finally got the dimension and shadow that I was after. Damn they look good.